![]() |
Public Member Functions | |
string | GetVersion (void) |
int | SelectCertificateFromWindowsByUI (string issuerDn, string keyUsages) |
int | SelectCertificateFromWindowsBySubject (string subject, string issuerDn, string keyUsages) |
int | SelectCertificateFromTokenByUI (string issuerDn, string keyUsages) |
int | SelectCertificateFromTokenBySubject (LPCWSTR subject, string issuerDn, string keyUsages) |
int | SelectCertificateFromFileByUI (string issuerDn, string keyUsages, string p12, string password) |
int | SelectCertificateFromFileBySubject (string subject, string issuerDn, string keyUsages, string p12, string password) |
int | SelectCertificateByThumbprint (string thumbprint) |
string | FindCertificate (string issuerDn, string keyUsages) |
string | GetSelectedCertificate (void) |
string | GetProviderName (void) |
string | Sign (string data, string hashAlg) |
string | CmsSign (string message, bool attachData, string hashAlg) |
string | CmsSignWithAttributes (string message, string AuthenticatedAttributes, string UnAuthenticatedAttributes) |
string | CmsDecrypt (string cipher) |
string | Decrypt (string cipher) |
string | Base64ToUnicode (string base64Str) |
string | UnicodeToBase64 (string unicodeStr) |
string | ListTokens (void) |
string | GenerateKeyPairAndCertificateRequest (string subjectDN, string keyLength, string tokenName) |
String | GenerateKeyPairAndCertificateRequestWithSANS (String subjectDN, String keyLength, String tokenName, string UPN, string RFC822_NAME, string DNS_NAME, string URI, string DIRECTORY_NAME, string IP_ADDRESS, string REGISTERED_ID) |
string | GenerateKeyPairAndCertificateRequestOnSelectedCertificate (string subjectDN, string keyLength, string tokenName) |
string | GenerateCertificateRequestBySelectedCertificate (void) |
int | ImportIssuedCertificate (string certificate) |
int | ImportIssuedCertificateOnSelectedCertificate (string certificate) |
int | ImportCertificateFromFileToToken (string p12, string password, string tokenName, string keyContainer) |
int | RemoveGeneratedKeyPair (void) |
int | RemoveSelectedCertificate (void) |
int | SetTokenRemoveEvent (void) |
int | SetTokenInsertEvent (void) |
int | SetAdminKey (string adminKey, string tokenName) |
int | SetPIN (string pin, string tokenName) |
int | ChangePIN (string tokenName) |
int | UnblockPIN (string tokenName) |
int | ReadSignatureImage (void) |
int | ReadFaceImage (void) |
int | ReadFingerprintImage (void) |
string | ReadValidationData (void) |
string | ReadPrintedData (void) |
string | ReadExtendedPrintedData (void) |
string | ReadSerialNumber (void) |
string | ReadIDinCardsSerialNumber (void) |
string | ReadCustomField (int index) |
int | Reset (void) |
int | CheckUpdate () |
int | InstallUpdate () |
int | CaptureFingerPrintScanner (string scannerName) |
string | GetFingerPrintScannerSupportedDevices (void) |
int | SetIDinCard (string serialNumber) |
int | SetIDinCardIndexForIssuance (string serialNumber) |
string | NIDGetFingerIndex (string smartCardReaderName) |
string | NIDAuthenticateByPIN (string smartCardReaderName) |
string | NIDAuthenticateByFingerUI (string smartCardReaderName) |
string | NIDAuthenticateByFinger (string smartCardReaderName, string index, string imageData, string imageWidth, string imageHeight, string imageResolution) |
string | NIDSign (string smartCardReaderName, string data) |
string | NIDChangePIN (string smartCardReaderName, string pinType, string oldPin, string newPin) |
string | NIDUnblockPIN (string smartCardReaderName, string pinType) |
string | SetPINGuide (string guideText) |
string | NIDSetDSAuthToken (string authenticationToken) |
string | DastineInitialize () |
string | DastineSetPort (string Port, string SSLPort) |
string Dastine::Base64ToUnicode | ( | string | base64Str | ) |
Converts a base64 string to Unicode.
Supported by
Android and Windows.
base64Str | Input base64 string |
int Dastine::CaptureFingerPrintScanner | ( | string | scannerName | ) |
Capture image from scanner by specific fingerprint scanner device.
Supported by
scannerName | input the desirable scanner device name to capture image. Available scanners are "HongdaS580" and "Suprema". |
int Dastine::ChangePIN | ( | string | tokenName | ) |
Changes an IDin's PIN.
Supported by
Android and Windows.
tokenName | The name of CSP that it's PIN is going to be changed. This name can be obtained using ListTokens() function. |
int Dastine::CheckUpdate | ( | ) |
Check server for update
Supported by
void |
string Dastine::CmsDecrypt | ( | string | cipher | ) |
CmsDecrypts the input cipher. The input cipher is in CMS format described in PKCS7 standard.
Supported by
Android and Windows.
cipher | Input cipher in base64 format which is desired to be cmsdecrypted. |
string Dastine::CmsSign | ( | string | message, |
bool | attachData, | ||
string | hashAlg | ||
) |
CMSSigns the input message using the selected certificate. The returned cipher is in CMS format described in PKCS7 standard. A certificate must have been selected before calling this function.
Supported by
Android and Windows.
message | Input message in base64 format which is desired to be cmssigned. |
attachData | A boolean that determines wethere the message is attached to the CMS or not. |
hashAlg | Hash algorithm used in signing process. Possible values are: SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512. |
string Dastine::CmsSignWithAttributes | ( | string | message, |
string | AuthenticatedAttributes, | ||
string | UnAuthenticatedAttributes | ||
) |
CmsSignWithAttributes signs the input message with Authenticated and UnAuthenticated Attributes using the selected certificate. The returned cipher is in CMS format described in PKCS7 standard. A certificate must have been selected before calling this function. This function can be called more than one time to perform multiple signatures on a CMS.
Supported by
message | Input message in base64 format which is desired to be cmssigned. |
AuthenticatedAttributes | An attribute to be signed as defined in PKCS#9 standard. Sample usage: Time=2017-04-02 02:15:36 |
UnAuthenticatedAttributes | An unsigned attribute as defined in PKCS#9 standard. |
string Dastine::DastineInitialize | ( | ) |
If Dastine is not initialized, this function initialize it and try to connecting sockets.
Supported by
string Dastine::DastineSetPort | ( | string | Port, |
string | SSLPort | ||
) |
Set dedicated ports for connecting to Dastine local server. This function must call before initializing Dastine.
Supported by
Port | is a WS port for connecting to Dastine local server. |
SSLPort | is a WSS port for connecting to Dastine local server. |
string Dastine::Decrypt | ( | string | cipher | ) |
Decrypts the input cipher. The input cipher is in PKCS1 format described in PKCS1 standard. A certificate must have been selected before calling this function.
Supported by
cipher | Input cipher in base64 format which is desired to be decrypted. |
string Dastine::FindCertificate | ( | string | issuerDn, |
string | keyUsages | ||
) |
return a list of subjectDN from all certificates in store windows
Supported by
issuerDn | SubjectDN of Issuer certificate which displaying certificates are filtered by that issuer. |
keyUsages | Key usages which displaying certificates are filtered by them. More than one key usage can be passed using "&" symbol. Possible values are: Digital_Signature Non_repudiation Key_encipherment Data_encipherment Key_agreement Client_Authentication Email_Protection SSH_Client MS_SmartCard_Logon MS_Document_Signing PDF_Signing |
string Dastine::GenerateCertificateRequestBySelectedCertificate | ( | void | ) |
Generates a CSR for certificate issuance. A handle is created on selected certificate on the token is being cached until the certificate in issued and imported on the token using ImportIssuedCertificate() function. This is important to maintain the state of Dastine object until the certificate is imported on the token, otherwise the handle is destroyed and the process should be repeated.
Supported by
void |
string Dastine::GenerateKeyPairAndCertificateRequest | ( | string | subjectDN, |
string | keyLength, | ||
string | tokenName | ||
) |
Generates a CSR for certificate issuance. A handle to generated key pair on the token is being cached until the certificate in issued and imported on the token using ImportIssuedCertificate() function. This is important to maintain the state of Dastine object until the certificate is imported on the token, otherwise the handle is destroyed and the process should be repeated.
Supported by
keyLength | Key length of new key pair which is being generated. |
tokenName | The name of CSP with which the CSR is being generated. This name can be obtained using ListTokens() function. |
string Dastine::GenerateKeyPairAndCertificateRequestOnSelectedCertificate | ( | string | subjectDN, |
string | keyLength, | ||
string | tokenName | ||
) |
Generates a CSR for certificate issuance. A handle is created on selected certificate to generated key pair on the IDin is being cached until the certificate in issued and imported on the IDin using ImportIssuedCertificateOnSelectedCertificate() function. This is important to maintain the state of Dastine object until the certificate is imported on the IDin, otherwise the handle is destroyed and the process should be repeated.
Supported by
subjectDN | Desired subject for new certificate. |
keyLength | Key length of new key pair which is being generated. |
tokenName | The name of CSP with which the CSR is being generated. This name can be obtained using ListTokens() function. |
String Dastine::GenerateKeyPairAndCertificateRequestWithSANS | ( | String | subjectDN, |
String | keyLength, | ||
String | tokenName, | ||
string | UPN, | ||
string | RFC822_NAME, | ||
string | DNS_NAME, | ||
string | URI, | ||
string | DIRECTORY_NAME, | ||
string | IP_ADDRESS, | ||
string | REGISTERED_ID | ||
) |
Generates a CSR for certificate issuance with subject alternative names. A handle to generated key pair on the token is being cached until the certificate in issued and imported on the token using ImportIssuedCertificate() function. This is important to maintain the state of Dastine object until the certificate is imported on the token, otherwise the handle is destroyed and the process should be repeated.
Supported by
keyLength | Key length of new key pair which is being generated. |
tokenName | The name of CSP with which the CSR is being generated. This name can be obtained using ListTokens() function. |
UPN | Desired user principal name for new certificate. |
RFC822_NAME | Desired RFC822 name for new certificate. More than one RFC822_NAME can be passed using "," symbol. |
DNS_NAME | Desired DNS name for new certificate. More than one DNS_NAME can be passed using "," symbol. |
URI | Desired URI for new certificate. More than one URI can be passed using "," symbol. |
DIRECTORY_NAME | Not Supported.leave this parameter empty string. |
IP_ADDRESS | Not Supported.leave this parameter empty string. |
REGISTERED_ID | Not Supported.leave this parameter empty string. |
string Dastine::GetFingerPrintScannerSupportedDevices | ( | void | ) |
Gets the status of supported and connected scanner devices.
Supported by
void |
string Dastine::GetProviderName | ( | void | ) |
Returns the provider name of selected certificate.
Supported by
void |
string Dastine::GetSelectedCertificate | ( | void | ) |
Returns the selected certificate.
Supported by
Android and Windows.
void |
string Dastine::GetVersion | ( | void | ) |
int Dastine::ImportCertificateFromFileToToken | ( | string | p12, |
string | password, | ||
string | tokenName, | ||
string | keyContainer | ||
) |
Imports a certificate from file to the token.
Supported by
p12 | input certificate in base64 format |
password | The password of the p12 file |
tokenName | The name of CSP into which the certificate is imported. This name can be obtained using ListTokens() function. |
keyContainer | The index of keyContainer on IDin card. For specific the index of keyContainer you must set IDin card by method SetIDinCard(). |
int Dastine::ImportIssuedCertificate | ( | string | certificate | ) |
Imports the issued certificate on the token. The certificate is imported on the cached handle to the generated key pair. A CSR must have been generated before calling this function.
Supported by
certificate | input issued certificate in base64 format |
int Dastine::ImportIssuedCertificateOnSelectedCertificate | ( | string | certificate | ) |
Imports the issued certificate on the IDin. The certificate is imported on the selected certificate. A CSR must have been generated before calling this function.
Supported by
certificate | input issued certificate in base64 format |
int Dastine::InstallUpdate | ( | ) |
Install downloaded update from server.
Supported by
void |
string Dastine::ListTokens | ( | void | ) |
Returns the list of installed CSP's on client's machine.
void |
string Dastine::NIDAuthenticateByFinger | ( | string | smartCardReaderName, |
string | index, | ||
string | imageData, | ||
string | imageWidth, | ||
string | imageHeight, | ||
string | imageResolution | ||
) |
Authenticates by fingerprint of national Id card. A dialog box is displayed for get fingerprint.
Supported by
smartCardReaderName | input the name of connected smart card reader. If you put this parameter null, the smart card redaer with national Id card will selected automatically, and if more than one smart card reader with national Id card connected to machine, the UI for selecting specific smart card reader is displayed. |
index | input the number of specific finger index. If you put this value '0', means fingerprint is not available and authenticate methode is changed to PIN_PIN. |
imageData | input the data of fingerprint image in base64 format. |
imageWidth | input the value of fingerprint image width. |
imageHeight | input the value of fingerprint image height. |
imageResolution | input the value of fingerprint image resolution. |
string Dastine::NIDAuthenticateByFingerUI | ( | string | smartCardReaderName | ) |
Authenticates by fingerprint of national Id card. A dialog box is displayed for get fingerprint.
Supported by
smartCardReaderName | input the name of connected smart card reader. If you put this parameter null, the smart card redaer with national Id card will selected automatically, and if more than one smart card reader with national Id card connected to machine, the UI for selecting specific smart card reader is displayed. |
string Dastine::NIDAuthenticateByPIN | ( | string | smartCardReaderName | ) |
Authenticates by PIN of national Id card. A dialog box is displayed for enter PIN.
Supported by
smartCardReaderName | input the name of connected smart card reader. If you put this parameter null, the smart card reader with national Id card will selected automatically, and if more than one smart card reader with national Id card connected to machine, the UI for selecting specific smart card reader is displayed. |
string Dastine::NIDChangePIN | ( | string | smartCardReaderName, |
string | pinType, | ||
string | oldPin, | ||
string | newPin | ||
) |
Not Supported
string Dastine::NIDGetFingerIndex | ( | string | smartCardReaderName | ) |
Get the saved finger's status of connected national Id card.
Supported by
smartCardReaderName | input the name of connected smart card reader. If you put this parameter null, the smart card reader with national Id card will selected automatically, and if more than one smart card reader with national Id card connected to machine, the UI for selecting specific smart card reader is displayed. |
string Dastine::NIDSetDSAuthToken | ( | string | authenticationToken | ) |
Set token for connecting to DS.
Supported by
authenticationToken | input a received token for connecting to document signer server. |
string Dastine::NIDSign | ( | string | smartCardReaderName, |
string | data | ||
) |
Signs the input data using the national Id card. A dialog box is displayed for enter PIN.
Supported by
smartCardReaderName | input the name of connected smart card reader. If you put this parameter null, the smart card redaer with national Id card will selected automatically, and if more than one smart card reader with national Id card connected to machine, the UI for selecting specific smart card reader is displayed. |
data | Input data in base64 format which is desired to be signed. |
string Dastine::NIDUnblockPIN | ( | string | smartCardReaderName, |
string | pinType | ||
) |
Unblock national Id card's PIN. A dialog box is displayed for enter PIN.
Supported by
smartCardReaderName | input the name of connected smart card reader. If you put this parameter null, the smart card redaer with national Id card will selected automatically, and if more than one smart card reader with national Id card connected to machine, the UI for selecting specific smart card reader is displayed. |
pinType | type of specific PIN. ID_PIN and SIGN_PIN can be selected. |
string Dastine::ReadCustomField | ( | int | index | ) |
Reads custom field data from IDin Cards.
Supported by
Android and Windows.
index | The index of CustomField |
string Dastine::ReadExtendedPrintedData | ( | void | ) |
Reads extended printed data from IDin Cards.
Supported by
Android and Windows.
void |
int Dastine::ReadFaceImage | ( | void | ) |
Reads face image from IDin Cards.
Supported by
Android and Windows.
void |
int Dastine::ReadFingerprintImage | ( | void | ) |
Reads fingerprint image from IDin Cards.
Supported by
Android and Windows.
void |
string Dastine::ReadIDinCardsSerialNumber | ( | void | ) |
Reads serial number data from IDin Cards.
Supported by
void |
string Dastine::ReadPrintedData | ( | void | ) |
Reads printed data from IDin Cards.
Supported by
Android and Windows.
void |
string Dastine::ReadSerialNumber | ( | void | ) |
Reads serial number data from IDin Card. A certificate must have been selected before calling this function.
Supported by
Android and Windows.``
void |
int Dastine::ReadSignatureImage | ( | void | ) |
Reads signature image from IDin Cards.
Supported by
Android and Windows.
void |
string Dastine::ReadValidationData | ( | void | ) |
Reads validation data from IDin Cards.
Supported by
Android and Windows.
void |
int Dastine::RemoveGeneratedKeyPair | ( | void | ) |
Removes the generated key pair from token and releases the handle to this key pair.
Supported by
void |
int Dastine::RemoveSelectedCertificate | ( | void | ) |
Removes the selected certificate from token.
Supported by
void |
int Dastine::Reset | ( | void | ) |
Resets everything in Dastine object releasing all handles and stopping every waiting for events.
Supported by
Android and Windows.
void |
int Dastine::SelectCertificateByThumbprint | ( | string | thumbprint | ) |
Selects a specific certificate from client's "Current_User" store matching with the input thumbprint. The selected certificate is cached inside the object and further cryptographic tasks like signing or decrypting is done using this certificate. This certificate can be retrieved using GetSelectedCertificate() function.
Supported by
thumbprint | Thumbprint of desired certificate in base64 format. |
hashAlg | Not supported. leave this parameter empty string. |
int Dastine::SelectCertificateFromFileBySubject | ( | string | subject, |
string | issuerDn, | ||
string | keyUsages, | ||
string | p12, | ||
string | password | ||
) |
Selects a specific certificate from a p12 file matching with the input subjectDn. Selecting certificate can be filtered using two other input parameters, issuer and key usages. The selected certificate is cached inside the object and further cryptographic tasks like signing or decrypting is done using this certificate. This certificate can be retrieved using GetSelectedCertificate() function.
Supported by
subject | SubjectDN of desired certificate. |
issuerDn | SubjectDN of Issuer certificate which displaying certificates are filtered by that issuer. |
keyUsages | Key usages which displaying certificates are filtered by them. More than one key usage can be passed using "&" symbol. Possible values are: Digital_Signature Non_repudiation Key_encipherment Data_encipherment Key_agreement Client_Authentication Email_Protection SSH_Client MS_SmartCard_Logon MS_Document_Signing PDF_Signing |
p12 | input file in base64 format. |
password | The p12 file's password. |
int Dastine::SelectCertificateFromFileByUI | ( | string | issuerDn, |
string | keyUsages, | ||
string | p12, | ||
string | password | ||
) |
Displays a dialog box that allows the selection of a certificate from a p12 file. Selecting certificate can be filtered using two input parameters, issuer and key usages. The selected certificate is cached inside the object and further cryptographic tasks like signing or decrypting is done using this certificate. This certificate can be retrieved using GetSelectedCertificate() function.
Supported by
issuerDn | SubjectDN of Issuer certificate which displaying certificates are filtered by that issuer. |
keyUsages | Key usages which displayin g certificates are filtered by them. More than one key usage can be passed using "&" symbol. Possible values are: Digital_Signature Non_repudiation Key_encipherment Data_encipherment Key_agreement Client_Authentication Email_Protection SSH_Client MS_SmartCard_Logon MS_Document_Signing PDF_Signing |
p12 | input file in base64 format. |
password | The p12 file's password. |
int Dastine::SelectCertificateFromTokenBySubject | ( | LPCWSTR | subject, |
string | issuerDn, | ||
string | keyUsages | ||
) |
Selects a specific certificate from hardware tokens connected to client's machine matching with the input subjectDn. Selecting certificate can be filtered using two other input parameters, issuer and key usages. The selected certificate is cached inside the object and further cryptographic tasks like signing or decrypting is done using this certificate. This certificate can be retrieved using GetSelectedCertificate() function.
Supported by
subject | SubjectDN of desired certificate. |
issuerDn | SubjectDN of Issuer certificate which displaying certificates are filtered by that issuer. |
keyUsages | Keyusages which displaying certificates are filtered by them. More than one key usage can be passed using "&" symbol. Possible values are: Digital_Signature Non_repudiation Key_encipherment Data_encipherment Key_agreement Client_Authentication Email_Protection SSH_Client MS_SmartCard_Logon MS_Document_Signing PDF_Signing |
int Dastine::SelectCertificateFromTokenByUI | ( | string | issuerDn, |
string | keyUsages | ||
) |
Displays a dialog box that allows the selection of a certificate from hardware tokens connected to client's machine. Displaying certificates can be filtered using two input parameters, issuer and key usages. The selected certificate is cached inside the object and further cryptographic tasks like signing or decrypting is done using this certificate. This certificate can be retrieved using GetSelectedCertificate() function.
Supported by
Android and Windows.
issuerDn | SubjectDN of Issuer certificate which displaying certificates are filtered by that issuer. |
keyUsages | Key usages which displaying certificates are filtered by them. More than one key usage can be passed using "&" symbol. Possible values are: Digital_Signature Non_repudiation Key_encipherment Data_encipherment Key_agreement Client_Authentication Email_Protection SSH_Client MS_SmartCard_Logon MS_Document_Signing PDF_Signing |
int Dastine::SelectCertificateFromWindowsBySubject | ( | string | subject, |
string | issuerDn, | ||
string | keyUsages | ||
) |
Selects a specific certificate from client's "Current_User" store matching with the input subjectDn. Selecting certificate can be filtered using two other input parameters, issuer and key usages. The selected certificate is cached inside the object and further cryptographic tasks like signing or decrypting is done using this certificate. This certificate can be retrieved using GetSelectedCertificate() function.
Supported by
subject | SubjectDN of desired certificate. |
issuerDn | SubjectDN of Issuer certificate which displaying certificates are filtered by that issuer. |
keyUsages | Keyusages which displaying certificates are filtered by them. More than one key usage can be passed using "&" symbol. Possible values are: Digital_Signature Non_repudiation Key_encipherment Data_encipherment Key_agreement Client_Authentication Email_Protection SSH_Client MS_SmartCard_Logon MS_Document_Signing PDF_Signing |
int Dastine::SelectCertificateFromWindowsByUI | ( | string | issuerDn, |
string | keyUsages | ||
) |
Displays a dialog box that allows the selection of a certificate from client's "Current_User" store. Displaying certificates can be filtered using two input parameters, issuer and keyusages. The selected certificate is cached inside the object and further cryptographic tasks like signing or decrypting is done using this certificate. This certificate can be retrieved using GetSelectedCertificate() function.
Supported by
Android and Windows.
issuerDn | SubjectDN of Issuer certificate which displaying certificates are filtered by that issuer. |
keyUsages | Key usages which displaying certificates are filtered by them. More than one key usage can be passed using "&" symbol. Possible values are: Digital_Signature Non_repudiation Key_encipherment Data_encipherment Key_agreement Client_Authentication Email_Protection SSH_Client MS_SmartCard_Logon MS_Document_Signing PDF_Signing |
int Dastine::SetAdminKey | ( | string | adminKey, |
string | tokenName | ||
) |
Sets AdminKey for IDin.
Supported by
adminKey | IDin AdminKey in b64 format. |
tokenName | The name of CSP for which the AdminKey is set. This name can be obtained using ListTokens() function. |
int Dastine::SetIDinCard | ( | string | serialNumber | ) |
Set an IDin card between other IDin cards connected to machine for working on it.
Supported by
serialNumber | input the serial number of specific IDin card. |
int Dastine::SetIDinCardIndexForIssuance | ( | string | serialNumber | ) |
Set index of keystore IDin for issuance. IDin card must set before calling this method by SetIDinCard();
Supported by
Index | input the number of specific keystore IDin. This number is between 0 to 3. |
int Dastine::SetPIN | ( | string | pin, |
string | tokenName | ||
) |
Sets pin for IDin.
Supported by
pin | Token pin. |
tokenName | The name of CSP for which the PIN is set. This name can be obtained using ListTokens() function. |
string Dastine::SetPINGuide | ( | string | guideText | ) |
A phrase is displayed in dialog box for enter PIN.
Supported by
guideText | input a phrase in base64 format to display in dialog box for helping to client. |
int Dastine::SetTokenInsertEvent | ( | void | ) |
Sets an event for the hardware token. On this token's insertion, alert is displayed.
Supported by
void |
int Dastine::SetTokenRemoveEvent | ( | void | ) |
Sets an event for the selected certificate's hardware token. On this token's removal, alert is displayed.
Supported by
void |
string Dastine::Sign | ( | string | data, |
string | hashAlg | ||
) |
Signs the input data using the selected certificate. A certificate must have been selected before calling this function.
Supported by
Android and Windows.
data | Input data in base64 format which is desired to be signed. |
hashAlg | Hash algorithm used in signing process. Possible values are: SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 |
int Dastine::UnblockPIN | ( | string | tokenName | ) |
Unblock an IDin's PIN
Supported by
Android and Windows.
tokenName | The name of CSP that it's PIN is going to be changed. This name can be obtained using ListTokens() function. |
string Dastine::UnicodeToBase64 | ( | string | unicodeStr | ) |
Converts a Unicode string to base64.
Supported by
Android and Windows.
unicodeStr | Input Unicode string |